Chapter 20: Wishful Thinking

Just then, Old Li stood up, and Wen Xian hurriedly looked over, "Old man, you haven't finished eating yet, why are you leaving already!"

Old Li picked up his butter tea and waved his hand: "You just sit here, the court drama show you're in is about to start, and I can't possibly miss it!"

With these words, he left leisurely, only missing a large palm-leaf fan in his hand to complete the picture.

Wen Xian: "..."

Suddenly, Auntie passed by, and Wen Xian hurriedly grabbed her hand, "Auntie, why aren't you eating either!?"

Auntie replied with a smile, "Xiaowen, you go ahead and eat; my son is coming to see me today; I have to go to the front to meet him."

After saying that, she too hurried off.

Wen Xian: "..."

She silently withdrew her hand and coughed softly as she straightened up in her seat.

As if nothing had happened.

Before long, only the two of them were left in the small canteen.

Wen Xian felt an indescribable sensation in her heart, her heartbeat racing furiously, especially after Old Li had said those words, which only intensified her craving for him.

She involuntarily recalled that embarrassing, blush-inducing dream she'd had.

The atmosphere was so delicate that she wanted to look away, yet she couldn't bring herself to leave.

Yes, of course she couldn't bear to leave.

It's been nearly a week, and she hadn't even seen him twice.

And after today, she would be gone; probably the last glimpse of the handsome and forbidding Captain.

Thinking this, a certain unspoken regret surfaced in Wen Xian's heart...

In this day and age, if no contact information was exchanged, then turning around could mean goodbye forever.

Just as her gaze couldn't help but drift toward his Huawei phone, suddenly, she heard a voice from across:

"Do you want to try?"

"Ah, wha, what...!?" Wen Xian looked up at him, meeting his long, dark eyes, for a moment not quite catching on to what he was suggesting.

Lu Xiao's expression remained calm, revealing no emotions, his eyes briefly dropping to his strong biceps.

The implication was all too clear.


The little deer in Wen Xian's heart exploded.

What was he doing?

Was he actually inviting her to try sitting on his arm!?

Wen Xian stared at him in amazement, her bright eyes widening as her heart beat even faster, "Really, can I really do that?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Xiao once again fixed his gaze on her face and said in a mild tone, "I can bear a weight of 90 kilograms with my arm strength, that's about the weight of two of you."

Wen Xian's eyes rounded in shock, damn, damn, damn—!

He must be a strongman, right!?

90 kilograms!

In her mind, that kind of strength was reserved for professional athletes or truly outstanding special forces soldiers!

And his arms didn't even look like those of an athlete with overly developed muscles.

What they actually looked like, she couldn't tell; they were covered by his tactical jacket!

Such a damn thing, her sincerity was already reflected in treating him as a spring mattress candidate!

Yet he was clothed, guarding himself from her!

Wen Xian couldn't help but stealthily stretch out a finger to prod his shoulder and arm across from her.

Lu Xiao watched her as she leaned in.

The external light poured in, casting upon her, highlighting her long, curly, and thick lashes that captured the strongest light of midday.

Wen Xian could feel the solid muscle beneath her fingertips.

A feckless swallow slid down her throat.

When she spoke again, her voice held a bit more certainty: "I want to try."

Lu Xiao: "You wish."