Chapter 47: Who Can Compete with Sister Bailian Xian!

Wen Xian was sitting on a chair over there, leisurely sipping tea with one hand while a chubby man lay unconscious at her feet.

When Wen Xian saw him emerge, her eyes instantly brightened.

She had known that he would be fine.

As Lu Xiao approached, her eyes and brows curved into a smile, and she gleefully credited herself, "This is the restaurant manager. He almost got away, didn't he? What do you think, Captain Lu?"

If it weren't for her, this man would have escaped.

Wen Xian sat waiting for him to praise her, but unexpectedly, his expression darkened, and he frowned, "Didn't I tell you to wait outside? What did you do!?"

These people were no good samaritans, not to mention what they might do in such circumstances. Why couldn't she just listen!

Seeing his cold demeanor, the smile on Wen Xian's lips stiffened, then slowly faded away.


She bowed her head and fell silent.

She felt that while he was dealing with criminals, she wasn't completely useless, just watching.

Seeing him alone in danger, she should, at the very least, do something.

Lu Xiao was about to scold her more when his gaze inadvertently fell on her hand resting on her lap, and he froze.

She had wrapped a silk white scarf around her hand, and faint blood stains seeped through the fabric.

His face immediately turned grim, and he grabbed her wrist, "You're hurt!?"

Wen Xian stiffened.

Her gaze fixed on the wrist he was holding.

Was he… worried about her?

In her memory, he had always desperately avoided her, not even sharing a car ride or giving her his WeChat or phone number.

Seeing him like this all of a sudden, she was somewhat unable to react.

However, seeing Lu Xiao in this state, a glint suddenly flashed across Wen Xian's slightly lowered eyes.

Wen Xian looked up, her eyes meeting his as she smiled gently, soothingly, "It's nothing serious. Compared to what you do, this is just trivial. I just got cut in the palm by glass when I tried to stop him. It was careless of me, but the injury is not severe, don't worry, it's nothing."

It sounded almost believable that the manager had injured her hand.

After speaking, she wiped her eyes and looked away from him, her pale, delicate wrist gently pulling free from his grasp.

She tenderly caressed the spot he had touched, her ears seemingly flushing slightly.

It was as if his touch, his concern, had made her embarrassed.

But upon hearing her words, Lu Xiao immediately felt a surge of anger, struggling to keep his voice low, "He stabbed you with glass? You're bleeding and you still say it's not serious!? Are you satisfied only if you're hurt so badly you can't walk!?"

Saying this, he abruptly took her other wrist, forcibly and undeniably, "Come on, follow me!"

Lu Xiao pulled her along as they left.

Just before they exited the door, he glanced at the chubby man lying motionless on the ground, and his expression turned extremely grim as he brutally kicked him.

Wen Xian: "..."

She watched the scene quietly, and then watched as her soft, fair fingers were held tightly in his long, distinctively jointed hand.

Finally, a sly, victorious curve formed on the corners of her lips.

Lu Xiao, you see, once I set my sights on you, you can't escape.