Chapter 50: Can't Hold It Anymore!!

After her words fell, the air between them grew quiet.

She looked at him, smiling radiantly, her smile dazzling and bold as if she felt no shred of shyness for the words she had just uttered.

Lu Xiao's body tensed, one hand gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Yet he couldn't help but his face soften slightly as he looked out the car window.

From the moment she began to speak, it seemed with each word she said, his body grew more rigid.

The content of her speech was clearly becoming more and more inappropriate.

Responsible, committed, impartial, and upright—he might not want to admit that what she described resembled him, but her final line—

made it impossible for him not to understand precisely who she was talking about...!

Because he knew better than anyone who it was that had, in the dead of night... wearing a dazzling red dress, knocked on his room door...!

Lu Xiao looked out the car window, his clenched fist relaxed and then tightened again, finally loosening once more.

After repeating this several times, when his gaze returned to the road ahead, he spoke with an air of casual indifference, "Worthy of a big star, well-informed, making a joke is second nature to you."

At this point, his tone paused, and he turned to stare at her:

"However, I think you should also be aware that I am not someone you can toy with at will. Your tricks might work to entertain other men, but on me, they're useless."

Having said that, his tone grew even colder, "Your hand has been bandaged, you can get out now. I'm going to buy you clothes to compensate you. Once that's done, I need to leave immediately, as there are many important tasks I need to handle."

His voice was very calm, as if her previous speech had caused no ripples for him, even as if, he wanted to part ways with her quickly.

Wen Xian: "..."

She stared at him pensively, as if him saying such things was both within and beyond her expectations.

But this time, she didn't seem to show any disappointment. Her lips curved slightly, and she let out a low chuckle, "Captain Lu is really amusing. Alright, I admit it was I who harassed you."

With that, she opened the car door and stepped out.

Her hand had been injured and just been bandaged, after losing so much blood, and it must have been very painful when the iodine was applied, yet besides a muffled groan, she didn't utter a single complaint of pain.

Lu Xiao: "..."

He thought she would act delicate and take the opportunity to play weak, but she didn't.

He thought she would use her injured hand as an excuse to stay in the car, but still, she didn't.

He thought that after saying what he did, she would argue, insisting she wasn't toying with him or just speaking in jest, but yet again, she didn't.

There was nothing...!

Lu Xiao watched her departing figure, observing her as she went forward without looking back to find her car—


He let out a cold sneer, curling his lips into a mocking smile.

It was unclear whether he was mocking her or himself.

Lu Xiao pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from the compartment next to the manual gearbox.

With a "click," the flame flickered in front of him. Clenching the cigarette between his teeth, he tilted his head and lit it up.

No one knew what he was thinking.

He smoked fiercely, inhaling deeply, letting the smoke swirl inside his lungs before slowly exhaling through his nose.

The flame reflected violently in the base of his eyes; the metal of the lighter on his fingertips growing hotter, yet he did not let go.


When the engine of an SUV in front started, he turned his sharp and frosty eyes towards it, squinting slightly.

One second passed, then two—

He slowly placed the cigarette down, pressing it into the car's ashtray, crushing it decisively, snuffing it out, letting the butt turn into a pile of remnants, crushed to pieces.

The next second.

He turned off the car, got out, and headed towards that SUV in front—!