Chapter 57: Fight Violence with Violence

After sending out such an emoticon, she propped up her chin and stared eagerly at the chat box.

She was waiting to see if he would reply to the message.

But the message seemed to have sunk into the sea, and she waited in vain for over ten minutes without any response.

Her agent Sister Ling was sending WeChat messages, pleading with her: "My lady, please come back soon, I've sent you the work schedule for next month, take a good look!"]

When Wen Xian saw that message, she let out a long sigh and replied with a tinge of impatience: "Let's talk about it later, I'm not free right now."]

After replying, she switched to holding her chin with the other hand and silently opened the chat box with Lu Xiao.


As expected, he still had not replied to any of her messages.

She said she was busy, but her agent Sister Ling didn't know what kind of busy she was referring to; if she could see this scene, she would probably be so angry she'd spew blood on the spot!

This is called being busy!?

All her time was spent eagerly waiting for a reply to her WeChat message from a man!?

Having had a casual lunch, Wen Xian set off with the tour group again. That afternoon, they were going to Bull-headed Stele, reportedly the source of the Yellow River.

She had been out of Shanghai for many days now.

Counting the days, she should be heading back soon. In reality, it was only supposed to be a week, but she felt as though a lot of time had passed and that a lot had happened.

When Wen Xian took out her phone to glance at WeChat again, her patience was starting to wear thin.

Grinding her teeth, was this person so disrespectful of the elderly and caring for the young? Her emoticon obviously catered to the elderly; who wouldn't reply to a message sent by a senior!?


Wen Xian was unaware that, while she was fretting —

In a place hundreds of kilometers away from her.

Compared to the vast scenic area she was in, this was an afternoon at a market.

The crowd was bustling, and on the surface, the market seemed to be a normal place for transactions, selling daily necessities, food, clothing, agate gems, everything you could think of.

But beneath this facade of normalcy, there were invisible undercurrents swirling.

After the online transaction was confirmed, Sang Nian came here as requested by the other party.

Weaving through the crowd, he kept moving forward.

Sang Nian was scanning his surroundings, with the collar of his shirt slightly raised, a miniature bug glued inside, and he also wore a hat on his head.

"Target not found yet."

He spoke in a hushed tone.


Sang Nian had a tiny Bluetooth earpiece stuffed in his ear, through which a deep voice came.

Lu Xiao and his team lay in hiding, watching every move he made.

The gang engaged in wildlife trafficking, especially the sale of nationally protected animals, was just revealing itself. They were brutal and ruthless, as could be seen from the cruel act of cutting off the horns of White-lipped Deer and dumping the bodies in the wild, a blatant display of inhumanity.

Having traveled from the Uninhabited Area all the way here, the online transactions provided a clear picture of a well-structured gang operation.

The expanse of Qinghai was vast, with many places uninhabited and lacking surveillance cameras. Once hidden, it was difficult to catch them, and they had to capture these people to make further progress!

Just then.

Suddenly, amidst the dazzling array of goods, Sang Nian spotted a bright splash of color that made his heart jump.

Then, he quickly raised his hand to his nose as if to scratch it, disguising his actions as he spoke, "Target spotted, target spotted—!"