Those Who Respect Others Are Also Respected by Others

"Is it? Then you'll see!"

Lou Qianxue's figure slightly moved. In the blink of an eye, she had passed by Li Wen and Li Wu and was standing in front of the unruly girl.

She lifted her arm. She held the iron sword's sheath and flashed it towards the unruly girl's neck.

This kind of opponent was not even qualified for her to draw her sword!

Li Wu's reaction was extremely fast. He hurriedly drew his longsword out and blocked Lou Qianxue's sheath. "Young lady, we have no intention to hurt others. Please have mercy!"

The unruly girl was also frightened by Lou Qianxue's murderous aura, and her face turned pale. Both her legs started trembling. She actually could not say anything at that moment.