Seems Like You Want To Do This The Hard Way!

Pa Pa Pa!

A sudden sound of applause rang in the silent woods.

Lou Qianxue's expression immediately changed, and she tightly gripped the sword in her hand.

When she had killed Li Bo earlier, she had paid a price. If she were to meet a strong opponent now, she might not be able to win.

Upon that thought, her white and clear face became increasingly solemn. When the person in the woods walked out, her eyebrows immediately furrowed. "It's you!"

The youth who walked out from the woods was wearing a Chinese robe. There was an excited yet strange smile on his face. He stared at Lou Qianxue with a pair of lecherous eyes. "Using your cultivation in the spiritual realm, you killed an expert from the Yuanwu realm. Your blows were sharp and vicious. Not bad! I like it!"

His unabashedly lecherous gaze infuriated Lou Qianxue. Her eyes slightly narrowed. "Why? Have you forgotten the lesson I taught you at the city gate already?"