Why Do You Want To Kill Me?

Liuyun prefecture was one and a half day's travel away from Qingyun city.

Lou Qianxue and the others, who had set off at noon, would reach Liuyun prefecture the next evening.

The men rode horses, whereas the women sat in carriages throughout the journey. Due to the presence of guards and the flag of City Lord Mansion of Qingyun City, the thieves on the road did not dare to provoke them.

Lou Qianxue's carriage contained four girls, Lou Qianxue, Lou Xiaoxiao, and two others.

Lou Qianxue and Lou Xiaoxiao occasionally talked, but the other two girls remained silent.

After talking for a while, Lou Qianxue closed her eyes and dozed off.

The carriage slowly moved along.


"Huh?" Lou Qianxue opened her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lou Xiaoxiao, who was cultivating, got a fright. She immediately looked at Lou Qianxue.