Lou Qianxue, Do You Dare To Challenge Me?

"Seventh level of the Spiritual realm? So impressive! Indeed, as the Prefectural Governor has said, this An Zhenhua is an outstanding youth!"

"Such a high level of cultivation. I'm afraid only a few of the candidates here can compare to him. Rest can't be his opponent!"

Indeed, after An Zhenhua made the proclamation, three young men consecutively went against him, and they all badly lost.

Everyone nodded one after another. "Indeed, such an impressive genius can only be found in a big city like Baiyue City."

"If he is properly groomed, his future will be very bright!"

All the various forces of Liuyun Prefecture also looked at An Zhenhua as if he were a precious commodity. Everyone tried to figure out how to win him over.

Lou Xiaoxiao scoffed at this sight.

These people are narrow-minded!

If my Qianxue had been willing to come out, how could this person continue to show off?