Are You Done?

"Who is he? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Yeah, same. But he's so brave to trust that woman?"

Seeing someone respond to Lou Qianxue, Yan Gongqing's face became as dark as the bottom of a pot. He threatened the young man, "Who are you? You've got to think carefully. Do you want to receive that woman's guidance and compete with me, a second-grade alchemist?"

Ye Zhuixun's expression remained the same. He slowly walked to Lou Qianxue and said, "Qingyun City, Ye Zhuixun. I'm willing to be guided by Miss Lou to compete in alchemy with Young Master Yan."

His way of talking belied his immature appearance; his dark eyes were firm, and a serious aura was present all over his body. Seeing that, people didn't even dare to mock him.

Lou Qianxue found it interesting, and she asked, "Why?"