
"Serpent out from the sea!" As An Zhenhua roared, a shadow resembling a snake emerged out of his Spirit item and attacked Lou Qianxue at a tricky angle.

"Wave Form!" Lou Qianxue swiftly drew her sword out. In the blink of an eye, she used the sword technique 11 times.

The might of An Zhenhua's Spirit item and the combined power of 11 Wave Forms of Mountain River Sword Technique collided!


Sparks flew in the surroundings!

The tremendous power of the collision surged and spread to the surroundings, shaking the entire ground in the process.

"So impressive!"

"This is the 'The Serpent Sword Technique', the An family's yellow-stage superior-grade sword technique. It's as mighty as the rumors!"

"Miss Lou wasn't bad either. If it were me, this attack would've blown me back. However, not only did Miss Lou receive it, she even used an ordinary sword to do it."