How Did You Know?

Lou Qianxue and Ye Zhuixun swiftly got up the stage.

"Qianxue, you can do it!" Lou Xiaoxiao shouted from below. Lou Qianxue glanced at her, smiled, and then looked away.

"Sister Qianxue," Ye Zhuixun solemnly said. "Although I respect you and treat you as my master in alchemy, I'll not hold back. I have to win this competition."

Lou Qianxue nodded. "This is exactly what I want to tell you too."

Ye Zhuixun's expression became even more solemn. "Then you'll have to be careful. I'm going to act. Wild Lion Roar!"

Ye Zhuixun's footsteps went 'thud thud thud' as he moved forward. As he neared Lou Qianxue, he suddenly soared into the air. Then, with clenched fists, he smashed toward Lou Qianxue's head.

A dazzling white light appeared in his fists.

"Storm Fist Intent! Ye Zhuixun is using the Storm Fist Intent again!" The crowd almost forgot to breathe in excitement.