I Have Indeed Overestimated You

"How unpredictable. The final two contestants of the prefecture competition both come from Qingyun City, and on top of that, they're sisters!"

"Now that's something to look forward to. Lou Qianxue had killed Lou Xingchen's biological sister a while ago. Lou Xingchen would not let Lou Qianxue off!"

"Of course. But even Ye Zhuixun, who had mastered two concepts, was no match for Lou Qianxue. Could Lou Xingchen still defeat Lou Qianxue?"

"Don't forget, Lou Xingchen is impressive as well. She had jumped levels to defeat Mo Ruhuan!"

"So who is stronger between the two?"

"Who do you think is stronger between the two of us?" Lou Xingchen had heard the conversation among the crowd. She glared at Lou Qianxue playfully asked.

Lou Qianxue glanced at her with the same look of hatred and murderous intent. "Is there a need to answer this question?"