
"Dan Taiyuan…"

When Lou Qianxue shouted these two words, the rays of light from the jade shone even brighter.

The jade piece shattered inch by inch and turned into powder. Immediately, a tall figure slowly appeared amidst the dazzling white light.

The man was dressed in white clothes.

He was cold, indifferent, and flawless.

He was as noble as an emperor who looked down on everyone.

His whole body exuded a cold, repelling aura.

He was a merciless deity who had walked out from the holy light.

It made people afraid to go near him, and even more afraid to offend him.

The blazing white light dissipated to fully reveal his handsome facial features.

His face was expressionless and frosty.

The demonic and complex bloody mark on his forehead added an evil aura to his coldness.

It also made his expressionless and emotionless face more enchanting.

It made others scramble madly for him!