Battle Between Beasts

Lou Qianxue vigilantly headed to the center of the mountain range.

She extended her spiritual powers to the extreme and observed every movement occurring around her. She used the Glimpse Technique to jump on the branches in the jungle like a monkey and move forward at a terrifying speed…

The shaking on the ground became stronger, and even the branches and leaves under her feet ruffled.

At the same time, a powerful air current rolled up the surrounding trees and cut them off. In the night, the colorful luster constantly collided, roared, and shook.

With just a glance, Lou Qianxue could tell that an intense battle was occurring ahead of her.

"What powerful beasts! What an intense battle! What is going on?"

The ground in the area had been arbitrarily destroyed by the forces from the intense battle zone. The land within a ten-mile radius around the battle zone had become a deserted piece of land with not even an inch of grass.