I'm Scared That They Don't Know!

"Miss… Miss…" The waiter's voice trembled. "Yo-you should release Young Master Xia and leave Baiyan City. If the Xia Family hears about this, you're dead!"

Lou Qianxue laughed coldly. "I'm scared that they don't know!"

She came to look for the Xia Family.

Then, her gaze fell on the others who had arrived with the teenager.

All of them were paralyzed in fear. They were afraid of also being hung outside of the window. Each of them was like quails, too nervous to even move a muscle.

"You guys."

Lou Qianxue touched the little beast's head and asked in a cold voice, "You're his friends?"

"No, no, no!" The young men immediately shook their heads and backed away.

"Hm?" Lou Qianxue narrowed her eyes. Her beautiful face became cold and her aura intensified.

In front of her imposing manner, the young men's legs became weak. "Yes… Yes. But we don't have any ill-intentions toward you. Really!"