Why are You Not Saying What You Truly Feel

The moment her body was lifted off the ground, Lou Qianxue became stunned.

"What are you doing?"

After regaining her senses, she asked in shock. Her struggle proved futile, so she grabbed onto Dan Taiyuan's lapel.

Dan Taiyuan had a deadpan expression face. With a cold tone completely different from his expression, he said, "I missed you."

It was nearly impossible for him to say such a thing.

However, he had said it, and he had done it so naturally. The thought that anything was wrong didn't even cross his mind

Lou Qianxue's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly collected herself. She still felt ashamed and angry. "Then just miss me. Why did you have to touch me? Put me down."

With her current cultivation, she could kill even Mystic Martial realm experts. However, against Dan Taiyuan, she had no chance of victory. She could not even fight back.