Either Get Lost Or Die!

After a short moment of silence, Lou Waizhong stretched his hand out and wiped the blood and tears from his face. He then glanced at Lou Xiaoxiao as he got up. "I can't die. If I die, then there will be no one to take revenge for Grandpa. Sister, we won't be a burden to you. You have to live, and let's take revenge for Grandpa together!"

Lou Xiaoxiao's pale face revealed a faint smile. With tears of comfort in her eyes, she nodded and looked at her brother, who had suddenly become much more mature. "Alright, I promise you that I'll live! I'll go to Fengyang prefecture and look for you all!"

With a grim expression, Lou Waizhong clenched his hands. He said to the rest of the Lou family juniors, "Let's go!"

After Lou Xiaoxiao saw them leave, she heaved a sigh of relief. She endured the dizziness while she stretched her hand out and grabbed the arrow on her left shoulder. Biting her teeth, she pulled it out.

Fresh blood splattered on the ground.