No matter what, She Would Do It To Her Best Abilities

"This…" Gong Sunheng regained his senses, but the shock on his handsome face didn't completely go away. "What level is your mental strength?"

This question puzzled Lou Qianxue, and she shook her head. "I don't know."

She had never measured her mental strength.

However, she had practiced the Divine Refinement Scroll, which also trained mental strength, to the second level. She reckoned her mental strength level should not be low.

Gong Sunheng inhaled and then exhaled. He thought of the saying 'Fortune favors fools.'

Of course, he knew it well that the teenage girl in front of him was not foolish. In fact, she was very smart. Otherwise, he would not have chosen her.

"Are you interested in following me to the Alchemy Union to try it out?"

"Now?" Lou Qianxue frowned.

"Now." Gong Sunheng nodded.