So Amazing!

Lou Qianxue had entered a wonderful state.

After practicing the Divine Refinement Scroll, it was the first time she was using her mental strength with such concentration. She had directed her entire mind toward a single thing.

When she regained her senses!

One portion of the ingredients for the Body Transformation Pill had already been purified.

She could now carry out the last step in the pill refining process: condensing the pill!

Lou Qianxue was shocked. The refining had been unexpectedly smooth, and there was no hint of discomfort. It was as if she had practiced it for a hundred or a thousand times. Refining pills seemed to be as easy as eating and drinking to her.

"The memory of the Alchemy God! It influenced me!"

Suppressing her shock, Lou Qianxue carefully condensed the pill.

When all of the medicinal liquid in the cauldron condensed, it started to tremble and merge, gradually becoming an oval-shaped white pill!