Dig Her Eyeballs Out!

"Shuyin, don't talk to Young Master like this," the girl dressed in blue clothes said.

She then bowed to Dan Taiyuan. "I'm sorry to disturb you. Since you're unwilling, it's alright. I have been presumptuous and have disturbed you."

"Sister Xueqing…" The girl dressed in yellow clothes looked at her in shock. "You… you actually bowed to this lowly person?"

"Shut up!" The girl in blue clothes reprimanded her. She then nervously looked at Dan Taiyuan. Upon seeing that Dan Taiyuan did not appear angry, she heaved a sigh of relief. Following that, she led Lou Shuyin toward other unoccupied tables with a frown.

From the beginning to the end, Dan Taiyuan had not even glanced at them. He also did not say a single word to them. Perhaps, even after they had left, Dan Taiyuan might not be aware that someone had spoken to him.

The girl dressed in yellow clothes was still shocked even after she had sat down. "Sister Xueqing, you…"