Thank You So Much!

In just a day, Lou Qianxue from Qingyun City became well known in Fengyang prefecture.

"Have you heard? The Prefectural Governor slapped his third son for a girl from a small city!"

"He also killed the son of Third Young Master's nanny!"

"That's totally unbelievable! I never thought that the Prefectural Governor would do that!"

"I heard that the girl looks really beautiful!"

"Her talent is also not any worse than Third Young Master's. I heard that she's not even sixteen years old, yet she's already in the ninth level of the Spirit Martial Realm!"

"I also heard that if it weren't for the Prefectural Governor, Third Young Master would've killed her!"

"Sigh, what do you guys think? What demonic magic did she use to confuse the Prefectural Governor?"

Lou Qianxue didn't care about everyone's discussion.

She sent Lou Xiaoxiao and the others back.

"Do any of you blame me for not killing Third Young Master?"