Snatching Medicine!

"Stabilize the realm of a third-grade alchemist?"

The crowd froze. When they came back to their senses, they could not help themselves from sucking in a breath of cold air.

"It can't be! Young Master Yang is already a third-grade alchemist!!!"

"So impressive!"

"Really impressive!"

The gazes looking toward Young Master Yang became even more respectful, while everyone praised his breakthrough.

The exclamation from the people made Young Master Yang even smugger. He raised his jaw and displayed an arrogant smile on his face as he browsed through the spiritual herbs on the counter.

When he saw the medicinal herbs in the medicine boy's hands, his eyes lit up. "Purple bamboo leaves? Not bad, My Tongxin pill is lacking this herb!"

The medicine boy's fingers trembled when he heard this, and he hurriedly said, "Young Master Yang, this is the last bunch of purple bamboo leaves. This young lady has already bought it."