A Show To Watch Later

"Qianxue, do you really think that I'm strong now?" Lou Xiaoxiao felt uneasy throughout the journey.

"At least, you may win against Third Young Master."

"Is it only 'may'?" Lou Xiaoxiao nervously asked.

Before Lou Qianxue could reply to her, the carriage stopped.

"We've reached Fenghua garden. Everyone, please alight."

Fenghua garden was located in the suburbs of Fengyang prefecture. A powerhouse of the Heavenly Martial Realm had lived in the manor before, so it was a sacred place for everyone in Fengyang prefecture.

Everyone alighted from the carriage one after another. They took out their invitations and entered the garden.

However, after stepping out of the carriage, Lou Qianxue and Lou Xiaoxiao stood still in their original positions.

"Qianxue, why aren't we entering?"

"We're waiting for the invitation."