Lightning Battle Armor!

Third Young Master also averted his gaze and looked at Mu Wuxin.

"Make your move."

After speaking, he then moved his arm and gripped a long, black sword. With the sword in his hand, he arrogantly stood on the stage.

Mu Wuxin narrowed his eyes. "Then, I won't be courteous anymore, Third Young Master."

Mu Wuxin immediately leaped up the stage like a cannon with his lean body.

At the same time, a bright silver glint flashed across everyone's eyes like a bolt of lightning. It dazzled everyone.

At the next moment, Mu Wuxin's body disappeared amidst the bright, cold light.

Third Young Master was the only one left on the stage.

No one had figured out what had happened. They were baffled.

"Huh? Where's Young Master Wuxin? Why did he disappear?"

"Is he escaping the battle?"