Look at Lou Xiaoxiao Quickly!

"Lou Xiaoxiao, you have a death wish!"


Numerous electric currents morphed into a thick and silver whip that harshly lashed toward Lou Xiaoxiao.


The Frost Sword brushed past the lightning whip.

Immediately, sparks flew everywhere, and a sharp sound pierced through the air.

Lou Xiaoxiao instantly retreated, and the frost from her sword beautifully danced in the air.

"Falling Flowers!"


Flowers formed by Essence Martial Power floated around Lou Xiaoxiao like a mirage.

The murderous aura on the battle stage had been replaced by this gorgeous picture.

"How beautiful…" everyone exclaimed in awe.

Even Third Young Master fell into a momentary trance.

However, in the next moment, the Frost sword reached his cheek. The cold, murderous intent made him uncontrollably shiver. Without thinking, he immediately drew his Venomous Dragon Sword.