Battle Genius

"Oh my God! Is that Third Young Master? Why did he become like this?" Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Third Young Master lost?"

"And he lost so miserably!"

"What happened?"

The crowd's gazes landed on Lou Xiaoxiao.

Lou Xiaoxiao's pretty eyes sparkled, and she couldn't conceal her happiness. "Qianxue, I succeeded! I finally defeated Third Young Master! In the past, he almost killed me. But now, I finally defeated him!"

Finally, she was free from the traumatic shadow of death.

When everyone heard that, they looked at Lou Xiaoxiao with complicated gazes.

This battle had completely been different from Ye Zhuixun and Lou Qianxue's battle. Lou Xiaoxiao had fought Third Young Master at his full strength.

Hence, they could not come up with any reason or excuse to lie to themselves that these youths from Qingyun City were not a match for Fengyang prefecture's geniuses.