Kill Everyone!

"Not bad, you can block the dagger from my sleeves!" the man who had attacked said. A devilish smile suddenly appeared on his arrogant face. "Since you can block so well, let's see whether I can shoot my daggers faster or you can block them faster!"

Although the man's face still held a smile, he rapidly waved his sleeves around.


Many short daggers, glinting in the bright light, shot toward the audience without any specific target. It caught everyone unawares.

The young practitioners yelled in shock and pain as blood splattered everywhere.

"My hand! My hand had been sliced off!"

"Ouch! It hurts! My shoulder has been stabbed!"

"Oh my God! Someone died! Someone's head got chopped off!"

Miserable yells of fear and pain rang out in the garden.

Extreme fear spread across the crowd, and everyone immediately activated their Essence Martial Power to form a huge shield.

"You! How dare you hurt people?"