Let Us Fight With You!

"Qianxue…" Lou Xiaoxiao noticed that something was wrong, so she dashed out of the crowd. "Let me help you."

Ye Zhuixun also stood up while clutching his wound.

After a moment of hesitation, the expression of everyone else in the crowd also became full of determination.

"If Ye Zhuixun and Lou Qianxue had not fought on our behalf, we would be dead by now!"

"Moreover, we had even insulted, mocked, and disparaged Miss Qianxue and her friends because they were not from the Fengyang prefecture! Yet, she protected all of us from their wrath! We owe her an apology and a thank you!"

"Yeah! Miss Qianxue was gracious enough to not hold a grudge against us. We must not be so shameless to pretend that nothing happened."

"In that case, we'll look down on ourselves too!"


"Miss Qianxue, let us fight with you!"