You Are My Friend

"Damn it! I actually didn't think of it!"

As Gong Sunheng softly cursed, he blasted toward the group in an instant. The moment he took action, a few people were sent flying.

Lou Qianxue froze, then she chased up to him. "Gongsun?"

"My nephew is amidst those five!"

"Huh… "

So this is the reason!

No wonder Gong Sunheng begged for mercy for these people earlier.

After Lou Qianxue came back to her senses, she immediately flew forward. "Heaven And Earth Thorns!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Numerous rough and strong green branches forcefully emerged from the ground and sprouted out. They pierced the bodies of the men clad in black without any warning.

Pitiful cries reverberated in the air.

When Fang Wenyang, who was on his last legs and looked desperate, saw the furious Gong Sunheng, he paused. He then looked at Lou Qianxue in astonishment…