Battle of the Flames!

"Don't worry, Gongsun. Although I've never measured my mental strength, I know that it's not weak."

After Lou Qianxue had received the legacy of the Mountain River Boundary Marker twice, her mental strength had become much stronger than the average person.

"But, there's still a possibility." Gong Sunheng's face had a solemn expression.

"What should we do then?" Lou Qianxue remained rational and calm. "Remain stuck here forever?"

Of course, they could not remain there forever.

"Or do we directly leave without taking anything? Are you willing to leave just like that?"

Of course, not! After preparing for more than a decade, how could he give up so easily?

"Maybe, we can leave and think of a way to seal the origin source of the Abnormal Fire. However, what if he catches us off-guard and possesses our bodies?"

That would be even worse!

Gong Sunheng frowned. He could not rebuke her.