Heavenly Martial Realm!

"So overbearing! Who is this? Why didn't I see him previously?"

"But the scar on his face is really scary!"

Leng Qianhan's aura stunned many people in the surroundings.

However, the more conscious people were more shocked than the others. "No… This is not important. The important thing is his aura. His aura…"

"H-heavenly Martial realm?" The elder who had wanted to act stiffened up and stood dazed on the spot. A drop of cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Impossible? How can the Fengyang prefecture have a Heavenly Martial Realm expert! How's it possible!"

His words also jolted the crowd back to their senses, and everyone sucked in a cold breath of air.

"Oh gosh! Heavenly Martial Realm!"

"He's actually in the Heavenly Martial Realm? Isn't our Ying Huang the only expert of the Heavenly Martial Realm in our Tian Zhao Dynasty? Why…"

The crowd could not help themselves from pausing.