My Name Is Lou Qianxue

"That's right. It's me." Teacher Mo nodded.

"Then do you know Lou Xiaoxiao and Ye Zhuixun?"

Her question startled Teacher Mo for a while. Then, he smiled and said, "Of course. I'm the proudest of these two students. They are also well-known in the Imperial Academy now."

Lou Qianxue relaxed her eyebrows and revealed a smile on her face. "Is it so? How are they doing in the Imperial Academy?"

"They are doing very well! The books in the Imperial Academy are as vast as the sea, and the teachers are educated, talented, and highly cultivated. Lou Xiaoxiao, Ye Zhuixun, and the other students from the Lou family are very hardworking. Even though they entered the Imperial Academy just two years ago, they have tremendously improved. Do you think they are doing well? Miss, you care about them so much. Could it be that you're their friend?"