Chapter 440 I Will Not Settle For A Loss

"Your words have piqued my curiosity even more. Let's go in and take a look."

Ye Zhuixun nodded.

The moment the two of them entered the life-or-death battle stage, they heard deafening cheers ringing across the venue. The cheers were so loud that they could pierce one's eardrums.

Lou Qianxue scanned the surroundings with a stunned expression.

The venue had ten battle stages, and all of them were stained red in blood. People were battling on each battle stage, and the scenes were extremely bloody.

A bloody stench lingered around the entire venue, stimulating the audience. It made them so exhilarated that they lost control over themselves.

"Why does a place like this have so many people?"

"There are always people who like to see such scenes. Furthermore, they can bet on the outcome of each battle. That's even more exciting than going to the casino."

"I see."