First Time Blowing Up The Cauldron

"It's great that you're back! It's great!" Lou Potian's eyes dimmed, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Quick, come into the house. Although we just bought this house, we had someone tidy it. It's extremely clean now. As for the other furniture, Shaoning accompanied me to buy quite a few of them. You can stay here for the night."

"That's great!" The Lou family's juniors started cheering.

"Qianxue, come with me. I have something to say to you."

After entering the house, Lou Potian summoned Lou Qianxue.

Lou Xiaoxiao shot a meaningful look at Lou Qianxue, who smiled and followed Lou Potian into the house.

Both of them chatted for more than an hour, and they only came out until it was dinner time.

Lou Potian's gloomy look had completely disappeared. He had become energetic again. During the meal, he even announced his plan to make the Lou family great again in the future.