You Are Acting Dishonestly!

Late at night.

Lou Qianxue was soundly sleeping.


A familiar movement woke her up again.

"Oh…" Lou Qianxue could not be bothered to open her eyes.

However, a pair of cold hands silently crept in her quilt.

The cold air instantly jolted her awake.

"What are you doing?" Lou Qianxue kicked her feet which were trapped. Her voice was panicky and soft.

"Making you smile." The three words that were simply like a curse, accompanied by a cold voice, rang again…

"You… This is enough! How can anyone come and disturb others in their sleep at this time? Do you have any ethics?" Even after she struggled for a long time, she couldn't thwart off the cold hands from her ankles. Soon, her quilt was also lifted.

"Dan Taiyuan!" Lou Qianxue did all she could to use the Abnormal Fire to light up the dark night.