Why Are You In A Hurry?

"Aunty… Woo woo… I only wanted to have a meal, but they looked down on me because I'm a foreigner! They bullied me and even beat me up to this extent… Woo woo woo, if outsiders learn of this matter, where can the people of our Zhen Guogong's mansion hide our faces…"

The wild shrieks and howls continuously rang within the yard.

A woman dressed in Chinese clothes deeply frowned. "Don't cry, Cong Er. I'll not let anyone bully you… Feipeng, why don't you make a trip with your cousin…"

"I don't want to," A rough voice replied. "I want to practice martial arts. Mother, don't disturb me."

"Feipeng! Don't you like to fight? That b*tch beat up your cousin to this extent. Go and fight back."

"Huh? I can fight? But… I don't believe that Licong was beaten without a reason. I'm afraid that he acted unreasonably."

"Rubbish! In the Imperial city, everything our Zhen Guogong's Mansion does is reasonable."