Not Easy To Enter or Exit

After bidding farewell to An Shaoning and Chu Pengfei, Lou Qianxue returned home.

Lou Potion was not at home, so she decided to train on her own.

After closing the door, she entered the Mountain River Space.

The little beast in Mountain River Space excitedly yelped and shot into her arms like a canon. Its huge body almost toppled her onto the ground.

Lou Qianxue patted its head. "Little beast, become smaller."


The little beast instantly shrunk into a mini-version of itself and lay in Lou Qianxue's arms.

Stroking its head, Lou Qianxue stared at the Thousand thread vine and fell into deep thought.

"Now that I have the Thousand thread vine, the next thing I should do is to find a way to nurture the vine into the shape of an adult's meridians. However…"