Won't Disappoint You All!

"…" Lou Qianxue became dumbfounded as she looked at these two angry old men.

"This… I won't give up on alchemy and martial arts, but this won't affect me from learning weapon refinery."

"Haha, you're really talking big." President Wu became resentful as he furiously stared at her. "How much energy can you possibly have? Let me tell you, little girl, if you continue to be so willful, you'll only ruin and mess up your alchemy and martial arts. Do you know that?"

President Dan also sighed. "You're very talented in alchemy and martial arts. We are not forcing you to give up, but forget about weapon refinery."

As President Dan spoke, he waved his arm.

The books on weapon refinery that were on the shelves instantly disappeared out of thin air.

Lou Qianxue's expression changed. "President Dan, by doing this, aren't you being unfair to students?"

President Wu snorted. "Old Dan, you finally did something proper."