Why Are You Being Disobedient?

Soon, his slender fingers touched her eyelashes. At the same time, more and more parts of his arm entered the Mountain River Space.

"Dan Taiyuan!!!"

Lou Qianxue's scalp turned numb as she regained her senses. She could not hold back her anger and instantly exited the Mountain River Space.

"You! Why are you so annoying? Don't you know that I don't want to care about you— You! Stop! Stop right now!"

Lou Qianxue's fury came to an abrupt end when she saw black marks spreading from the man's forehead to his face, neck, and even his arms.

At that moment, strange black marks were crawling all over this man's body and on the exposed skin.

He looked horrifying and extremely scary.

That's it! He has the seal. He can't exert too much force. But what he displayed just now. He definitely had to expend a lot of energy!


An indescribable fury suddenly surged within her.

Lou Qianxue felt dizzy.