How Shameless!

"What's wrong with this world?"

"How old was Lou Qianxue two years ago? Fifteen? Sixteen? Not only did she cure Master Yan's illness, which had lasted for decades, but she also taught him and Master Huo in alchemy… She seems out of this world!"

"She's just too amazing! Master Feng's nothing in comparison to her."

When the crowd saw two highly-respected alchemists siding with Lou Qianxue, they could not help but exclaim in awe and respect.

Zhen Guogong was also astonished. He looked at Lou Qianxue in amazement. "I could've expected her to have cured both me and Master Yan!"

Everyone was shocked…

On the other hand, Feng Qingyi, who was kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, suddenly jumped up with a sinister expression…


He knocked over Master Yan's pill cauldron, making it explode just like his did.