Not Because Of Him!

If I go to the trial tower and break through the seventh level or even a higher level, President Dan and President Wu will understand my martial arts and alchemy skills are not lagging behind my weapon refinery skills.

As Lou Qianxue thought about it, she resolutely turned around and walked toward the trial tower.

I wasn't prepared the last time and had to stop at the seventh level. But now, I have cultivated for a month. I'm curious which level I can get to now?

Sister Xiaoxiao said that Xu Tailang broke into the trial tower again and stopped at the eighth level. I wonder what the test on the eighth level is?

With a determined spirit burning inside her, Lou Qianxue quickly walked toward the trial tower.

"Qianxue!" Lou Xiaoxiao found her halfway through her journey. "I heard that you humiliated Mu Xueying, and he didn't dare to speak up. Is this real?"