On This Day

"Hey… why are you like this? You're so beautiful, but not nice to talk to at all!" The fur ball felt aggrieved as it caught up with Lou Qianxue. "Anyway, I'm already your cat. Don't think of getting rid of me."

As it spoke, it rubbed itself against the sides of Lou Qianxue's feet.

Lou Qianxue lowered her head and glanced at it. "Get up."


"Don't think that I won't hit you."

"You'll actually hit a cat? And an adorable cat like me at that?" The fur ball's fluffy fur instantly exploded. The cat cried and whined, "Woo woo woo… Why is my life so hard… If I had known, I would've chosen that Qu Mobai…"

"…" Lou Qianxue frowned and used the tip of her feet to gently kick the cat. "Don't cry! How do I get out?"

"Humph! If you don't beg me, I won't tell you." The fur ball proudly raised its head.

"Oh, I beg you," Lou Qianxue said with an indifferent expression.

"You! How can you beg others so easily?"