Anyone Who Is Unconvinced Will Die!

Everyone stood up in shock and fear. They stared at the young man as if he were the devil.

The young man ignored the others. With his ruthless attacks, he strangled the only person left in the Gu Xian Palace's group to death!

The crowd let out gasps.

In just a few seconds, the Gu Xian Palace, one of the upper-tier powers, had been annihilated!

The members of the Tian Yuan Sect turned pale. They were filled with grief and indignation, but someone held them back. Hence, they did not dare to say anything.

"Who else is unconvinced?"

The young man's devilish eyes swept across everyone. "If there are no objections, all the powers will submit to the Southeastern Xie Mansion! From now on, the Southeastern Xie Mansion will rule the South!"

Silence reigned in the venue.

The youth was stone-cold and unyielding. "Any unconvinced person will die!"