Oh So Naive!

"Brat, I'm telling you! I had fine iron injected into my blood and flesh long ago. My palm is firm and tough like iron. It's even sharper than a beast's claw. I can easily shred you apart!"

The man in the black robe sinisterly laughed and continued, "I wanted to let you die in one piece, but from the looks of it, there is no need to! I want to shred you into bits and pieces!!!"

"!!! Those black rays aren't this man's most impressive tactic!"

"That's psychotic! He actually poured fine iron into his blood and flesh. How did he manage to bear that?"

"She's doomed! He said that his hand is sharper than the claws of a beast. It seems like the cat is of no use now!"

"That young lady is indeed doomed!"

"Sigh!" Tian Ya from the Tian Yuan Sect heavily sighed. "I was hoping that this young lady would defeat that devil. She's too young! I'm so old. Why did I put my hopes on a young lady?"