I Want All Of You To Die!

Fresh red blood stained the man's snow-white clothes like red plums. Little red dots appeared on the cloth.

"!!!" Lou Qianxue's pupils fiercely shrank. She stood dazed in her tracks and instantly lost all expressions and words.

Dan Taiyuan…

Dan Taiyuan actually got injured!!

Despite getting injured, the handsome man with perfect features remained expressionless. With his cold, indifferent eyes, he silently looked at her. His thin lips moved as he said, "I didn't move."

Lou Qianxue felt her heart ache. Her emotions instantly erupted!


A fury suddenly burst out of her whole body!

She looked at the black-robed men with bloodshot eyes. Her cold voice seemed to have come straight from hell. "Die! I want all of you to die!"

If it weren't for me…