Simply Inhumane!

"'Since you're auctioning these slaves, others are also allowed to bid, right?' This was what you said earlier, isn't it?"

Lou Qianxue ignored everyone's fear and fury as she coldly spoke to the scarred elder.

"So bold! You dare compete with me, a Heavenly Martial Realm powerhouse, over these children? Are you sick of living?"

"Heavenly Martial Realm… Ha! Make a guess! If you expose your identity here by taking action, will you still be able to leave Tian Zhao alive?"

"You!" The elder's face dramatically changed at once. "What do you mean?"

"You know it in your heart." Lou Qianxue had taken part in the Martial Arts Competition in the Nandu Nation. Therefore, she could recognize the symbols of a few sects in that nation. She could tell that the symbol on this elder's dress belonged to the Mo Xiu Sect at one glance.