She's Lou Qianxue!

"'Why do you have to steal?' Hah!" Master Yan coldly laughed. "Since you know this, why did you frame her?"

"Frame her? How is that possible! She's different from you—" Master Tian subconsciously refuted Master Yan. However, halfway through his sentence, he seemed to have realized something and suddenly stopped.

This puzzled everyone.

Why did Master Yan say that?

Could it be that this little girl is comparable to him?

"What?" Master Yan sneered at Master Tian. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Master Tian was horrified!

There had never been a woman, as young as this girl, who could be compared to Master Yan. Furthermore, she was so beautiful as well!

Someone like that had emerged suddenly…

Master Tian gulped with difficulty. He looked at Lou Qianxue in disbelief and excitedly said, "Could it be that she… she is…"