
Just as Lou Qianxue finished speaking…


The manager suddenly raised his head and glared at Lou Qianxue. "You! Although my son and Young Master Hong were disrespectful to you, you did not suffer any real harm. Why are you still doing this?"

"Enough!" The vice-chairman interrupted him.

At the next moment.


Before the crowd could react, he unsheathed his sword.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The light reflected off the sword.

Blood splattered in the air, and two shrieks of agony rang out.



"Xin!" The manager's eyes widened as his aura suddenly intensified. He glared at the vice-chairman with hatred and resentment. "You chopped off my son's arm! You really did it! For a little girl, you actually…"


The vice-chairman slapped him in the face!

The manager's intense aura dispersed at once.

The venue instantly fell silent.