
"Isn't it that just your cultivation base is sealed? You're not dead yet. There's no need to despair," Lou Qianxue calmly said.

"You! You can tell that my cultivation is sealed?" The elder stared at Lou Qianxue in disbelief. He even started to breathe hard and fast.

Lou Qianxue calmly looked at him. "If you swear your allegiance to the Lou family and me, I might even let you regain your cultivation!"

"How… is that possible! The sealing spell they used on me is a stage six one! It will require a sixth-grade Broken Seal Pill! The Broken Seal Pill alone has nine grades. Most people know the formula of the first-grade Broken Seal Pill. A few might know the formula of first- to third-grade Broken Seal Pills. But, no one ever knows about the formula of fifth- or higher-grade Broken Seal Pills… You can't help me!"

"Since I said I can, that means I can. It's up to you whether you want to believe in me or not."