Operation Begin!

Night fell soon.

The wind howled.

Lou Qianxue, along with 15 soldiers, entered the Misty Forest, which bordered the Tian Zhao Empire and the Nandu Nation. Camouflaged by the night and the forest, the group stealthily moved toward the Nandu Nation…

A while later,

"According to our information, the Nandu Nation's food supply repositories are located in 15 places, which are the markings I showed all of you before we set off. Do you still remember?"

"Yes!" The 15 soldiers from the Chu Army were feeling frustrated.

The Nandu Nation's army has a million soldiers! Their food supplies are stored right in the middle! This Lou Qianxue dreams of destroying their food supplies with just the 15 of us?


She must've bewitched Master Guogong to make him do her bidding. How hateful!